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IPO Support Sport !

Nemanja Najvirt IPO Member and founder Audi Club Serbia took Second place on International Competition in Kettlebell, which was held on November 17th in the Hungarian town of Gyor. On "Waksc Grand Prix Series" as the title of this great competition, Najvirt was accompanied by his coach Aleksandra Miletic from the sports associations' Girevik Novi Sad.  "Nemanja Najvirt competed in the event," Long cycle 2 x 20 kg ", and in Hungary he has arrived with the intention to defend the championship, which is above the international competition "Serbia Open" won in front of home crowd. Nemanja managed to make even 82 ejections for 8 minutes, how long his attempt. After that, he was forced to complete his opportunity due to lack of power. However, this was more than enough to make this Strongman from Liman in Novi Sad brought the silver medal. Otherwise, Discipline "Long" cycle lasts 10 minutes. Meanwhile, competitors aim to do the most clean and jerk Russian bells. For its 8-minute show, the total Najvirt was more than 6 tons of weight.

Gratitude for the achieved successes in his career shows his coach Aleksandar Miletic, the man who introduced him to the sport than winning rowers made the Serbian champions in raising Russian bells.

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