Embracing the principle of the International Police Organization IPO,
"To contribute together, for a safer community, for a safer tomorrow",
IPO Headquarters organize the 3rd International Congress in Tirana, Albania.
on June 21 to 22/2024 with a worldwide participation of Members and Section Leaders of IPO,
Law Enforcement Agencies, and professionals from the public and private security sectors at the international level.
The Congress is a serious and very necessary innovation to bring together all the IPO Section Leaders and members to get to know each other, to exchange ideas and experiences as well to get acquainted with the program and the guideline of IPO for the coming years.
This year the International Congress of the IPO will be focused on Transnational Organized Crime and Counter-Terrorism by gathering together from more than 30 different countries of the world, mainly from Europe and the Balkan countries, State Institutions, Diplomatic Representatives, High-level Representatives from Law Enforcement Agencies as well Experts from the public and private sector who will share their expertise with us.
Friday, June 21, HQ meeting with Section Leaders
( only HQ and Sections delegations )
17:00 - 19:00 - Plenary season
20:00 - Dinner
- Saturday, June 22, will take place the congressional activity,
where will take part IPO members from all over the world,
IPO friends, and special guests.
09:00 - 10:00
Guests registration and welcome coffee
10:00 - 13:00
Opening remarks / Presentations on the Congress topic
IPO HQ Leadership.
High-level Representatives of Albanian State Institutions.
Diplomatic Missions Representatives in Albania.
High-level Representatives from Law Enforcement Agencies from Albania,
Italy, Spain, France, Switzerland, Germany, Austria, Slovenia, Slovakia,
Serbia, Romania, United Kingdom, Pakistan, India, Cameroon
13:00 - 14:30
14:30 - 16:00
Presentation and introduction of the sections
Presentation on the work of the past year
Presentation of the programs for the following year.
16:00 - 16:30
Coffee break
16:30 - 18:00
Continuation, conversation, and discussions on Congress topics
18:00 - 18:30
Distribution of certificates & gifts, pictures, closing of the activity
The full and updated program will be sent to you by email after registering for the event.
The IPO Headquarters has agreed to have discounts for the rooms with the hotel where will be held the congress.
Tirana International Hotel & Conference Centre
Click on the link above for reservation or send email to : reservation@tiranainternational.com
( by mentioning IPO Congress )
( Click on the above image to reserve your trip from the Airport to Event Location
and vice-versa with our TAXI partner by mentioning IPO Congress )
Due to the many requests for participation in the congress and reduced places,
the online reservation is now closed.
For more information, please contact: ipo.congress@interpolice.org