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Welcome to the

Human Rights and Peace Department - HRPD

of the International Police Organization IPO

Academic and Diplomatic Mission

The IPO HRPD is an organism within the organizational structure of IPO which aims to select persons who will represent IPO in international organisms and especially in the UN with the aim of developing international missions in the field of Academic and Diplomatic research for security and peace in the world.

HRPD will organize meetings and conferences where accredited members will participate in order to present and exchange their knowledge and conduct scientific and academic research in order to help people both in education as well as in giving appropriate advice for preventing or banning the most growing topics, such as drug abuse, violence in any form, protection of the rights of women and children, as well the human rights globally.

In accordance with the United Nations decision that granted the International Police Organization IPO the Special Consultative Status ECOSOC from 2022, the IPO has the right to accredit its permanent and temporary representatives to the United Nations.

The IPO representatives are accredited at UN Headquarters in New York, Vienna, and Geneva.

Accordingly, the IPO will issue special membership documents such as ID Card and Passer-Laissez to accredited representatives within the IPO HRPD, a special Department made up with the aim of developing international missions in the field of Academic and Diplomatic research for security and peace in the world.


Only the persons on this list represent accredited representatives of the IPO to the United Nations.

Click to see the full list of accredited representatives

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