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On Sunday, October 10, we held the next webinar for our members worldwide.

The interesting international webinar with the topic "Digital Forensic First Responders"

which was attended by 154 members in all IPO Sections worldwide was held by the lecturer Mrs. Sanela Nikolic, Police Officer and Crime Analyst, Director of Coordination at IPO Headquarters wich in the 90 minutes of the online lecture, gave the members a lecture in fluent English.

With the development of modern technology, cybercrime has gained importance, which has led to the need to train adequate staff in security services and prosecutors, has also led to an increase in citizens' interest in this topic in order to know how to defend themselves, but also to recognize cases of this type of crime and to inform the competent authorities in a timely manner.

In the lecture itself, Mrs. Nikolic spoke about the first actions taken when it comes to cybercrime, and when it is necessary to apply digital forensic methods.

She explained to the participants the similarities and differences between the physical and digital crime scene as well as the characteristics of the digital crime scene presenting the similarities and differences in the approach of digital forensics in some commonly used devices such as computers and tablets, mobile phones, internal means of communication, and data storage in large corporations, but also the software used by companies that own some of the most of popular applications and platforms for communication and video sharing.

Recently our organization has received a large number of questions on this topic, so the

IPO Education Department led by the IPO Founding President Ass. Prof. Ilija Zivotic Ph.D., with this webinar, laid the foundations for organizing a series of webinars which are conceived to have a continuation for the professional training of our members.

This Webinar was the 1st part of the edition of the professional course

"Forensic Sciences & Crime Analysis" which will directed by Mrs. Nikolic giving our members the opportunity that after attending 5 webinars they can give a test and get a professional certificate recognized by our international partners in Europe and the USA.

All members who attended this webinar will receive a certificate of participation in the email next week.

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