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With the invitation and coordination of the Municipality Gramsh in Albania, the International Police Organization IPO and Ip[o Section Albania, with the support of the Ministry of the Interior of Albania, in cooperation with the General Directorate of Civil Status DPGJC under the Ministry of the Interior, the General Directorate of the Albanian State Police - DPPSH , with the Center for the Prevention of Juvenile and Youth Crimes - QPKMR under the Ministry of Justice, the General Directorate of Prisons DPB, the State Agency for the Rights and Protection of Children - ASHDMF under the Ministry of Health and Social Protection, the Initiative for Social Change ARSIS, organized in the premises of the Gramsh Palace of Culture on August 1, 2024 a joint "Consultation Table" with the Representatives of the Prefecture of Elbasan District , the Representatives of the Prosecution, with the Representatives of the Public Security structures, the structures of the Fire Protection Service and Rescue MNZSH, Civil Emergency structures, Educational Directorate and School Safety Officers, Child Protection Units NJMF and Social Service of the Municipality of Gramsh as well as Representatives from the Civil Society of the city of Gramsh, on the topic: "Inter-institutional cooperation and with the community" with the aim of increasing institutional capacities and civic education for crime prevention, emergency management and community safety.

The opening speech was given by the Mayor of Gramsh, Mr. Besion Ajazi, followed by the Deputy Prefect of the Elbasan District, Mr. Albert Ceci, and continued with the presentation of the topic, Dr. Mareglen Tomori, Executive President - CEO of the International Police Organization IPO and panel speakers, Mrs. Alma Tandili Chairperson of ASHDMF State Agency for Children's Rights and Protection, Mrs. Lindona Gega Specialist of QPKMR Center for the Prevention of Juvenile and Youth Crimes,

Mr. Xhelian Seferi Deputy Director of Elbasan Prosecution Office, Mrs. Irena Progni, Director of the Training Center at the DPB, General Directorate of Prisons, Mrs. Blerta Doçi, Responsible for the Social Affairs Sector at the DPB, Mr. Edmond Meshini, Community Policing Specialist - DPPSH General Directorate of the Albanian State Police, Mrs. Ludjana Elezi, PMF Gramsh Municipality, Mrs. Julinda Vokopola, representative of the Initiative for Social Change - ARSIS

The meeting was closed by the Director of International Relations and Development Department of the International Police Organization IPO Di.Ma. Prof. Francesco Menga Manager of Risk and Disaster Analysis who, among others things, emphasized that this round table had as its main purpose the involvement and cooperation of all institutional actors, organizations based in civil society and the community to share their knowledge and skills with citizens common so that they know how to act in emergency situations.

Another important point of this table was the presentation of the cooperation that the IPO has started with the Municipality of Gramsh for the implementation of a pilot project whose objective lies in the creation of a Coordination Center, entirely with a modern culture of Emergencies and Civil Protection.

Since the project arises as a need for the prevention of crime and risk as well as emergency management, it is based on several areas of action, on the initiatives and existing institutional acts of the Civil Protection Services which represent the need for a better and efficient management, based on structured communication and coordination as a central point for managing and overcoming emergency situations through inter-institutional cooperation and with the community in building communication bridges with the aim of assessing and managing risk through the involvement of citizens in volunteering and in educational and training activities for Emergency Management including, forecasting, prevention, intervention and overcoming the emergency, the increase of institutional capacities and civic education as well as the improvement of the Emergency management plan.

Within the framework of inter-institutional and inter-state cooperation together, we are working for the development and realization of our common objectives for a community and a safer tomorrow.

The Consultation Table "Inter-institutional and Community Cooperation" is an activity that will be extended to all Municipalities and Prefectures of RS, which is organized within the work plan of the International Police Organization IPO for the year 2024-2025 in cooperation with the line institutional chain, for strengthening the structures of Public Safety, Defense and Civil Emergencies, increasing the capacities in institutions and civic education for crime prevention, emergency management, and community safety.

IPO News Room

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