IPO Section Montenegro Activity
Updated: Nov 27, 2021
IPO Section Montenegro has had several well-attended activities in the previous period. The new members who were appointed to some of the management positions at the suggestion of the President of IPO Section Montenegro Mr. Ivan Pekic MSc have brought the necessary new energy as this section is still one part of the backbone of our organization along with the IPO Section Italy, France, Serbia, and Bulgaria.
The most important event was certainly the scientific-professional conference organized by IPO Montenegro on November 11, 2021, in the capital of Montenegro, Podgorica.
The conference entitled "The Role of the Civil Sector", Media and Security Services in the Fight against Organized Crime, Corruption and Terrorism on the Road to the EU.
The conference, which was covered by all leading electronic media in Montenegro,
was attended by members of the IPO Team and Mr. Vladimir Otasevic, representative of the NGO Network for Investigation of Crime and Corruption LUPA, President of the Trade Union of the Police Administration of Montenegro Mr. Mladen Suskavcevic,
M.Sc. Petar Koprivica on behalf of the Ministry of the Interior, Ms. Svetlana Djokic, journalist of TV Vesti as a representative of independent media in Montenegro.
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